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  • Metadata
    • Author: [[Sonke Ahrens]]
    • Tags: #productivity #notetaking #books
  • 👆 Short Summary (1 takeaway)
    • Write effective notes every time such that longer pieces will write itself
  • 🧐 Why I am reading this book?
    • To effectively use Roam as a continual learning tool and writing tool to help me formalize my knowledge into short written pieces that I can publish online
  • 📖 Chapter reviews
    • Introduction

      • Everybody writes
        • To organize thoughts and exchange ideas with others
        • Every intellectual endeavor starts with a note
      • But the focus of most writing guides is placed on long-form pieces
        • This book focuses on note-taking, which is something we do more often
        • Key to successful writing lies in the preparation
          • It is much easier to connect existing pieces of writing (in the form of notes) to form arguments in a long(er) form
          • I am experiencing trouble blogging for the same reason
      • ==Goals of the book==
        • How to efficiently turn thoughts and discoveries into convincing written pieces
        • Build up a treasure of smart and interconnected notes along the way
        • This is very complimentary to read right now, with [[roam]], there is a demand for me to write good notes and produce thought provoking
        • Revisit [[How to Take Smart Notes - 10 Principles to Revolutionize Your Note-Taking and Writing]] and fill the principles with comments [[future]]
      • Success in solving problems lies in what you do: being able to do the work and have the self-discipline to continue through adversity
        • Comes back to developing good habits because sheer willpower is not enough to keep you on track. It will deplete quickly and can’t be improved on
        • Self-control and discipline have much more to do with the environment
        • Having meaningful and well-defined tasks will force you to do them, without having to use willpower
        • Going back to my struggles with writing blogs. I can related to this, because I always feel like it's a daunting task facing the blank page, and wanting to just start writing something profound and insightful. It takes a huge amount of willpower to get me to open that page up and attempt it. Each time I fail at completing it, makes it harder the next time
    • 1. Everything You Need to Know

      • A good structure for workflow allows you to move seamlessly from one task to another, without threatening the whole process
        • It can relieve you of remembering and keeping track of everything
        • Enables [[flow state]]
      • Planning is not the same as having a structure to work in
        • Unsuited for open-ended process like research, thinking or studying
        • I have experienced this with research, it is a very hard task to plan for
        • The opposite of planning is also not just messing around
        • It is to structure one’s workflow in a way that insights and new ideas can become the driving force that push us forward
      • Embrace the struggle
        • The fact that one feels the struggle to do better means they will dedicate more time to collect more information
      • 1.1 Good Solutions are Simple - and Unexpected

        • People tend to reduce the complexity of notes by creating stacks and folders
          • It makes it less complicated to look, but more complicated to use
          • It breaks natural connections formed between the notes
        • Need a note-taking system that is as comprehensive of GTD, but one that suited for an open-ended process like writing, learning and thinking
          • [[Zettelkasten Method]]
      • 1.2 The Slip-box

        • [[Niklas Luhmann]]
          • Liked to read and felt the traditional note-taking method was not yielding satisfactory resuts
          • Started to take notes on index cards and realized that the notes are only as useful as its context
          • Extremely productive and believes the slip-box is the main reason
          • Able to focus on the important things right in front of him, pick up quickly where he left off and stay in control of the process
        • Success is not the result of strong willpower, but rather the result of smart working environments that avoid resistance in the first place
          • Deflect resistance
      • 1.3 The slip-box manual

        • Whenever Luhmann read something, write the bibliographic information on one side of a card and make brief notes about the content on the other side
        • Shortly after, he would look at the brief note and think about their relevance for his own thinking
          • Turn to the main slip-box and write his ideas, comments and thoughts on new pieces of paper
          • Makes a concerted effort to transition from reading to writing
        • Organized the notes with numbering system to determine the order and branches
          • There are subtle differences between this and a general Wikipedia
        • Created index to serve as entry points into a line of thought or topic
    • 2. Everything You Need to Do

      • Notes build up while you think, read, understand and generate ideas
      • ==If you want to learn something for the long run, you have to write it down. If you want to understand something, write it in your own words==
        • It triggers an internal process of understanding when you write
        • Externalizes the idea
        • Write the blog posts as a self serving knowledge creation medium
      • 2.1 Writing a paper step by step

        • Make fleeting notes -> ☀️Daily Log
          • Capture every idea that pops into your mind
          • Don’t worry about the quality
          • Store them in your “inbox”
        • Make literature notes
          • Make notes about the content of what you are reading
          • ==Try to make them in my own words==
        • Make permanent notes -> [[📬 Slip Box Index]]
          • Go through the collection of notes (fleeting and literature) and make permanent notes
          • Ask yourself to combine the ideas into something new
          • Ask yourself does the new ideas contradict or support things you already know?
          • Use full-sentences and write a note per idea
          • Link the permanent notes behind existing ones, or branch from them
        • Make blog posts -> [[Blog Posts]]
          • Develop a topic from the existing permanent notes
            • Don’t write from a topic down, naturally develop the topic up from the notes
            • It doesn’t have to be complete, one can read more to develop the topic further
            • Don’t brainstorm for topics
          • Write ideas based on what you have
          • Transform the notes into a rough draft and see where the knowledge is missing
          • Edit the rough draft and publish it
    • 3. Everything You Need to Have

      • Students obsess over learning techniques and note-taking methods, but actually clogs the simple process of academic writing
        • Slip-box is not a technique, it is a crucial element in an overarching workflow
        • ==The goal of the tools should be to allow you to have an uncluttered brain to think with and a reliable collection fo notes to think in==
      • 3.1 The Tool Box

        • Four tools
          • Something to write with and something to write on
          • A reference management system
          • The slip-box
          • An editor
    • 4. A Few Things to Keep in Mind

      • With tools, knowing how it works and knowing how to work it is very different
        • I am still grasping the ins and outs of the slip-box. It can become a graveyard for thoughts very easily
    • 5. Writing is the Only Thing That Matters

      • It is the medium of delivering truth
        • You need to write something as the final goal
        • By setting this as the clear goal, it forces you to undertake tasks like reading, presenting, and listening with deliberation
    • 6. Simplicity is Paramount

      • The story of how McLean was able to transform the shipping industry to use boxes as units of cargo illustrates the point that from one POV the idea might not be ideal but if everyone buys in and allows the benefits to positively reinforce and create second order benefits - that is when insurmountable progress happens
      • Many think like the ship owner when it comes to note taking
        • They think they have better grasp of how they should take notes
        • Highlighting, margins, etc
        • These notes are in isolation and don’t influence each other
        • Many people have to resort to brainstorming sessions to create new ideas
      • In the new system, the question we ask is in what context will I want to stumble on it again?
      • Slip-box is the shipping container
        • Instead of storing potatoes in bags, vegetables in crates - everything goes into the same box and standardized into the same format
        • Growing the notes organically around a topic will make it more valuable as time goes on
        • Be careful not to add notes indiscriminately, or it will lose value
      • To achieve critical mass, we need to distinguish the three types of notes
        • Fleeting Notes
          • Reminders of information, written in any way and will end up in the trash within a day or two
        • Permanent notes
          • Never thrown out and contain the necessary information in themselves in a permanently understandable way
          • Stored in the same way, in the same place
        • Project Notes
          • Relevent to only one project
      • Mistakes
        • To write everything down, indiscriminately, without thought
          • This will dilute the good ideas
        • To collect notes only related to specific projects
        • To treat all notes as fleeting
      • Fleeting notes are only useful if you review them within a day or two so you can turn it into permanent notes
        • Fleeting literature notes (underlying, highlighting, margins) won’t help in actual writing
        • You have to convert them into permanent notes in your own full sentences
    • 7. Nobody Ever Starts from Scratch

      • The advice - to decide what to write about before you start writing - is misleading
        • We should write about topics that we are actually interested in, and not follow something our mind has decided for us a priori
        • Keep continuous notes of the on-going learning will naturally allow the ideas to float to the surface
        • Brainstorming is an ineffective technique because your brain is terrible at storing objective facts to be brainstorming from
        • To know if you are taking smart notes -** the problem of coming up with a topic to write about is replaced by the problem of having too many topics**
    • 8. Let the Work Carry You Forward

      • We want to build a snowball that picks up more as it goes and relies less on our efforts
        • Positive feedback, one that can generate its own energy
      • The positive feedback loop can’t be sustained with external rewards
        • ==Work itself needs to become the reward==
        • Fitness coaches use the same tactics
        • Relying on willpower is a losing game
        • Getting timely and concrete feedback is the key, and seeking them out is critical to success
        • Always trying to grow!
          • Get satisfaction out of improvement instead of praised for being doing well
        • [[til2021]] Kakorrhaphiophobia is the fear of failure [[Interesting Words]]
      • Avoid linear models that can get feedback when its too late to pivot
        • Adopt a circular approach having smaller feedback loops in each incremental step to check understanding
    • 9. Separate and Interlocking Tasks

      • Decreasing attention span is a problem that all modern humans face
        • And it is eating into our ability to think
        • The problem with multitasking is that it is inherently a skill we cannot improve on because the shift in attention is the cause of decreased productivity
      • Sustained attention (different from focused attention, which has not changed) has decreased
        • That’s what affecting our ability to on task over a long period of time to develop thoughts and connect ideas
      • It is also important to be able to vary the attention depending on the task at hand
        • But apply the correct type of attention depending on the work
        • In my case, developing framework, coding a prototype, reviewing PR are all different types of tasks that uses different kinds of attention
      • To write, become an expert
        • Experts don’t know the rules of their domain since they have internalized it so much that it has become intuition
      • Every time a new fact is learned ask follow up questions
        • How does this fact fit into my idea of ...?
        • How can this phenomenon be explained by that theory?
        • Are these two ideas contradictory or they compliment each other
        • Isn’t this argument similar to that one?
        • Haven’t I heard this before?
        • ==What does x mean for y==
      • [[til2021]] Zeigarnik effect - open tasks tend to occupy our short term memory
        • Written things on todo list help decluttering short term memory because it tricks our brain that we finished it
        • Conversely, we can keep ruminating over open ended question by not closing it
    • 10. Read for Understanding

      • Read with a pen, and write things that you feel is common or may be helpful
        • Do the small work of writing new ideas down with your own words and ideas will spring up automatically
        • When taking notes on ideas, these might be embedded in a different context, so pulling them out and contextualizing it requires work
        • ==The final goal is to add permanent notes into the slip-box, whatever way of achieving that via literature notes is up to you==
      • Confirmation bias works in subtle ways, and can cause our mind to rabbit hole into one perspective
        • Instead of coming up with a hypothesis and finding confirming facts, have an indiscriminate method of gathering information
        • Though one needs to be careful about adding relevant notes in a way that is not biased to one type of thinking
      • The best way to capture the gist of a piece of writing is by re-writing the main points of that piece
      • Just reading something is a simple way to fool yourself that you understood something. Only when you write it again in your own words you realize what you have missed
        • Learning requires effort, which means that doing something that is out of your way is practicing learning
    • 11. Take Smart Notes

      • Being able to think outside the box separates successful researchers and less successful ones
        • Don’t collect quotes but write down the main ideas in your own words
        • Unlike fiction, you can't write non-fiction by forcing yourself to write a little bit each day - but you can still make incremental progress by writing smart notes each day
        • The difference between writing each day and slip-box is like saving by putting money away each day vs compound interest
      • Literature notes -> shows the gaps in understanding
      • Permanent notes -> translating the full thought onto paper
      • If we don’t transfer the ideas from literature notes to permanent notes in our slip-box we will lose them
        • It also allows us to forget about them until we need it again
        • I know I have terrible memory and have been leaning to a system of external memory to help me in school and work. Now it just needs to be built out efficiently for ‘forever learning’
      • ==Remembering everything comes at a cost of forgetting nothing==
        • When everything is of equal importance, nothing is important
        • [[til2021]] Active Inhibition
          • The filter our mind sets up between conscious mind and long-term memory
          • To avoid being flooded with memories and thoughts
        • There are two measurements for memeory
          • Storage strength - the ability to hold memories
          • Retrieval strength - the ability to recall the right memories at the right time
      • Remember through understanding
        • Understanding by making the effort to rewrite facts in my own words and connecting them with other notes in the slip-box
        • Thus allowing the topic to be elaborated, corroborated or contradicted
        • All of which is establishing understanding which is learning
    • 12. Develop Ideas

      • If a new note can’t be made with explicit reference to an existing note then just place the new note “behind” an existing related note
        • Notes that directly from the index which serves as an entry point. This note can also collect relevant notes related to this topic
          • Collect up to ~25 links on these entry notes
          • Grow organically
        • Note to note links are created either sequentially or through weak connection
          • Helps us to find new revelations in ideas
          • Can be helpful after multiple note to note chains
      • Don’t be afraid to be subjective when giving keywords to permanent notes, they are meant to serve you and your selfish needs
      • Slip-box serves like a melting pot of ideas but also documents knowledge in a external and systematic method
      • Realizing that you already had a “new” thought when confronted by the slip-box is a humbling experience that forces us to move forward without tricking ourselves
        • Finding small but crucial differences between repeated thoughts is only possible when you have both versions in writing
      • Avoids [[3b feature-positive effect]]
      • Nests ideas into the context of application and framework
        • ==Enhances mere facts into tools that can be useful in a toolbox==
        • Why I always valued my education experience because how the curriculum delivered such wide ranging concept and it forced you to not memorize everything but just create interesting connections between them as you are bombarded with them
      • Creativity is the act of connecting of seemingly isolated things ([[1a entry to creativity]])
      • To write insightful texts, one has to be able to play and tinker with ideas, which is only possible after the original nugget is abstracted from the existing context
        • Hence, permanent notes are not just copy-and-paste of the existing text. They are written in your own words
        • Abstraction is what allows us to appreciate things without being exactly in the shoes of the subject
        • [[1b good engineers are good at abstraction]]
      • Limiting yourself with constraints will lead to more productive endeavors
    • 13. Share Your Insights

      • "An idea or a thought is not worth more merely because it is easily available to you" Charlie Munger [[quotes]]
      • Align with your personal goals and identify what is interesting about something to keep your motivation
      • If the slip-box is built correctly, the problem will change from starting from a blank page to having information overload and need to be mindful of what not to include
      • [[til2021]] Verbund
        • A German word that means the physical integration of products
        • The by-product from one production line becomes the resource from another
        • Slip-box allows the user to work on multiple thought processes and they interact with each other to produce better results
    • 14. Make It a Habit

      • Replace old habits with new ones
  • 🙊 Great quotes
  • ✅ Actionable items
    • Actively write slip-box worthy notes on things I've learned